Innovative Solutions

Endless Possibilities

Advantages of MET

Economies of Scale

AMETrust pooled employer plans offer administrative, recordkeeping, and investment management on a lower-cost basis than would be available to a smaller single employer plan.

One-stop Shopping

AMETrust is the named fiduciary and plan administrator. In addition to providing a plan document, it assumes responsibility for all administrative duties.

Reduced Fiduciary Exposure

The employer retains fiduciary obligations with respect to choosing and monitoring AMETrust. However, beyond that, your fiduciary responsibilities are limited or nonexistent.

Reduced Admin Costs

Functions like filing the Form 5500, conducting the audit, bonding, etc., are done at the plan level by AMETrust instead of having each employer do them separately. In addition, the IRS has been directed to issue model plan language for pooled employer plans, which may ultimately simplify the process of ensuring that the plan document meets qualification requirements

Flexible Plan Designs

The employer is able to choose from a suite of traditional products as well as the ability to custom design products based on the specific needs of your employees.

How MET Works

An MET can be beneficial to both employers and their employees. Participating in an MET can lower costs associated with forming and managing a broad benefit plan that follows the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). Employers can use multiple employer plans to work together and combine their resources, which can save these employers money.  Employers also get the benefit of aggregating risk across the total trust to provide greater predictability and rate stabilization.

METs make it possible for small businesses to offer their employees large employer benefits typically only available to large companies. The lower fees for benefits also help businesses avoid lawsuits for allowing plan participants to pay excessive investment fees. Avoiding lawsuits is another way small businesses can lower their operating costs. Another advantage of METs is that they lower an individual employer’s fiduciary risks and responsibilities because the plan sponsor tends to be in charge of administrative and fiduciary roles.